
A Little Calculator!

Posted in C, Status Updates tagged at 22:17 by Mr D Wilkins

Yes! I have successfully turned my iMac into a very poor substitute for a desktop calculator! Brilliant, if a little too chunky to carry round in your pencil case! Brilliant! Please see below!My latest masterpiece!

It took quite a while (on and off all afternoon in fact!) to get the hang of the nested “else if” statements.

Again, big thanks to Masters-of-the-Void.com


A Bold First Step

Posted in C, Status Updates tagged , , , , at 17:36 by Mr D Wilkins

This afternoon I sat down and got started learning to write C. I did a small amount of searching online and stumbled across a tutorial website that guided me through writing my first little piece of C code. I am eternally grateful to the guys who wrote this tutorial website, they probably don’t realise how helpful they’ve been!


Here’s a screenshot of my program I’m writing in X-code (iMac’s developer environment.) You can see the output down there in the bottom right! Exciting stuff!

Baby Steps

It was pretty simple, here’s hoping the next step goes this well too…


Every Journey Starts With A Single Post

Posted in Status Updates tagged , , , at 23:01 by Mr D Wilkins

I’m going to write code! Something that does something! Right now I think I’ll settle for anything, hopefully inspiration for the what will strike during the journey from here to there. Unfortunatly the here is a position where I can code nothing, and there is a very long way away.

I’ve spent a weekend with the folks and several photo’s of me have appeared from boxes, one of which is me sat with one of my father’s old machines. I’m already waiting on a RaspberryPI from, the good people at RaspberryPi.org and then I’m off on the journey into computer land seeking knowledge and enrichment. Off to recapture the heady days of youth when a 5 1/2 inch floppy was a good thing and the Terabyte hadn’t been conceived yet! (Please note I’m not as old as this actually makes me sound!)

So please check back, I’ll try and update as often as is sensible but I’m a teacher and free time is a precious commodity! Patience must be your virtue as determination and perseverance will be mine on this journey.